
Todd Barr
3 min readJun 23, 2020


We can be heroes, for just one day

David Bowie

Anyone who has followed this blog, listened to my podcast, my twitter feed, or has seen me give a present know that I am a strong advocate of “Spatial is just another column.” Maybe people think this berates or minimizes the massive effort it takes to get that data from a raw form to the point where it is just a field in a database.

That as not been my intension at all. Hours of effort goes in to collect that data, be it raster or vector. The Analyst performing QA/QC on it, to make sure it lines up to where it should, and that all the attributes are right. This process, the “getting the data cleaned and accurate” is the hardest part of the Spatial Industry. I respect and admire those who do this. You have my gratitude and thanks.

For years I’ve bounced between “independent contractor” and “start-up buzzsaw.” Now, I work for a large company with defined roles, its an adjustment for me, and one I think I’m making okay. I’m a step removed from the tech, more of a strategic role — that’s fine it is something I accel at.

I’d say 40% of the people I work with are “spatial.” Modelers, Scientist, Developers, and QA, are all well versed in spatial libraries, data, and you’ll find Q running next to Rstudio, and ArcGIS on these desktops. Few would call themselves “Spatial” as its just another tool to use.

Members of our client support teams and sales teams have Masters in Remote Sensing and Geography. When I’m with them on a sales call, they can talk about the theory, use cases, and the tech. It’s outstanding. I was dully surprised when I moved to Boston how much spatial there is in my firm.

This is what I’ve meant about Spatial being “another column.” Spatial is no longer just a group of people in the back office, its ubiquitous. The data is in the database and is seen as having the same value as any other data.

I no longer have to fight about “why does it go on a map” but “how it should.” The hard work of millions of us over the past 30 years have brought it to this point.

Back in 2010, at a meeting near a mountain, a Colenol stood up and said “Its not the viewer, its the data behind it.” I had been banging that drum for 4 years with that client, and they finally understood it. I felt a sense of accomplishment.

Now, 10 years later, I’m working with people with various roles and backgrounds, and they are all “spatially aware.”

This is something we can be proud of as a community. There are still roads to be built and still naysayers to be converted, but now, NOW, we should all pat ourselves on that back.



Todd Barr
Todd Barr

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