Twas the Night before GIS Day, And all through the Department
Not a plotter was plotting, Not even on parchment
The map cases where hung by the windows with care
with hope that Jack Dangermond would soon be there
The Analysts were working late, faces to screen
With visions of being brighter than they seem
The Lead Analyst with his laptop and Director with his “Vision”
Had just settled in for a long meeting with division
When out of the server room there arose such a clatter
We leaped from our ergonomically correct chairs to see what was a matter
Out of the meeting room in a jif
I hoped I saved that file, I think it was a tif
The florescent glow on the boxes and tile
I realized we had not cleaned. The server room was quite vile.
Then what to my wandering eye would appear
But a little squirrely guy with boxes of gear
A little geek so bright and sly
I knew right away, it was the president of E S R I
More rapid than rivers, the upgrades they came
installing cds, he called them by name
Now, ArcIMS, Now ArcMap, Now ArcGIS
On Business Map, On ArcWEB, On ArcSDE
From the top of the rack to the top of the wall
Install away, install away, install away all.
The admins installed with great decorum
When they met with an obstacle, they consulted the forum
So up to the budget offices the directors flew
with armloads of requests, and Dangermond to.
With arm loads of money and tons of cash
Dangermond left, as if to dash
But it could be heard, and he segwayed from site
Merry GIS Day to all, and to all a good night.